Nursing Lead Activity – Nagomi Art

Nursing Lead Activity – Nagomi Art

Publish on: 10, Oct 2019

The benefits of Nagomi Art help to soothe emotions, calm down and relax the mind, reduce stress and depression, increase self-awareness and self-discovery through colours & symbols, enhance self-esteem and confidence, bring joy and harmony to the heart, at the same time stimulate aestheticism and inner sense of beauty. 

20 residents in the past have learn from Finger Hope instructors how to do Nagomi Art. We found that residents enjoyed this art form and have taken initiative to hire Finger Hope instructor Doris Yu to teach our nurses and residents who are keen to learn and teach other residents in their wards. 

There are 12 workshops from basic at Level 1 & 2. Workshops are currently on going until January 2020. Our nurses will introduce and conduct this activity with the residents in their wards including bedbound residents.