Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society (THK) is a non-profit voluntary welfare organization since 1978. We provide community based services in social, health, emotional, educational, family and disability to all. We help anyone who needs help regardless of race, creed, language, culture and religion.

THK is committed to providing all rounded support and good service to the community.

Through the motivation and efforts of our sincere partners, generous donors, selfless volunteers and dedicated staff who serve and support the needy, THK group of charities currently operates more than 50 centres and services which include the Ang Mo Kio – Thye Hua Kwan Hospital (AMK-THKH), Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charities (THKMC), and Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society

Our charity group now consists of AMK-THKH, 4 welfare homes, 5 family service centres, meals on delivery, therapy services, counselling services, 14 senior activity centres, centres for early intervention for infants with disabilities and a cluster of welfare services for the under-privileged.